
1987舉家移民美國加州灣區,1999 回應神呼召之後,接受神學裝備全職事奉至今。育有二男一女,與師母同心服務。對門徒訓練栽培後進有負擔。樂見北美華人教會後繼接棒有人,第二、第三、第四代能夠不斷有生命的傳承,把基督福音帶到世界各個角落。

Hsieh’s family came to Fremont, CA in 1987. He responded to God’s calling in 1999 and equipped the seminary training afterward. He and Mrs Hsieh have raised two boys and one daughter and served together in several local churches. Their main burden of pastoral ministry focuses on discipleship for younger generation to pass on their baton and to spread the Gospel till the end of the world.