Please email your resume to Kathy Zhu –
Or mail to: Kathy Zhu Home of Christ Church in Fremont 4248 Solar Way, Fremont, California 945438
2. Children Ministry Director/Minister/Pastor. (Posted 6/2/2020)
About: Home of Christ Church in Fremont (HOC3) is a Chinese and English bilingual non-denominational evangelical Christian church, located in Fremont, California. Our church has been located in Fremont for over 40 years.
Position: Full-Time Children Ministry Director/Minister/Pastor. Qualification: A born-again Christian according to John Chapter 3; actively involved in children ministry for at least two-three years; speak English fluently; Bible college or seminary trained or any training in Christian children ministry.
Major Responsibilities: 1. Establish and communicate vision, goals and actions to children ministry core leaders, consistently evaluate progress and changes – for all children programs on regular Sunday, Homebuilders, Friday Awana. 2. Design all needed guidelines for teachers, helpers and building functioning. 3. Build teacher capacities and develop new teachers through mentoring and coaching. 4. Plan workshops for teachers and parents according to needs. 5. Plan yearly summer VBS/Camps, plan and support all needed children programs during church-wide special events/meetings. 6. Design Christ-Centered and cohesive Christian curriculum for all students. 7. Be a role model and work collaboratively with pastoral staff and church leaders.
Leadership Structure: The Children Ministry Director/Minister/Pastor serves in the Home of Christ Church in Fremont under the primary guidance of Pastoral staff, and Elder-deacon board. Salary: A competitive salary package will be offered commensurate to living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please send all inquiries and resumes to Kathy Zhu – Or mail to: Kathy Zhu Home of Christ Church in Fremont 4248 Solar Way, Fremont, California 945438